Siberia : a project by Luc Jacquet


This project was born out of my encounter with Cédric Gras, a travel writer who greatly admires Russia, and my own, personal urge to travel through the wild and mysterious region of Eastern Siberia, from the Chukchi Sea to the Sea of Japan. I have never been able to understand why this part of the world, practically unknown to most people in Western Europe, is not just as famous as the American Far West. Because it has all the necessary ingredients: the sheer size and distances, indigenous peoples with cultures stretching back for thousands of years, breath-taking wildlife, a rich, epic history riddled with extraordinary and sometimes tragic events. I am thrilled to have this unique opportunity for me as a film director to focus attention on this little-known territory. We will recount it from varying viewpoints and using different media in order to attract and appeal to people from all walks of life. Luc Jacquet

*Oscar-winner for the best documentary film, March of the Penguins

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